Evolution of Outdoor Advertising: Challenges and Opportunities

Out-of-Home (OOH) advertising has been one of the main long-standing forms of marketing. Since its invention, OOH has developed and evolved several times, adapting to market changes and technological advancements. In this article, we will explore the evolution of OOH and what challenges and opportunities arise in this area.

History of Outdoor Advertising

A Point of Hire (POH) has its origin at the beginning of the 20th century, when advertisers started using outdoors to achieve their objectives. However, it was only in the 60s and 70s that POH began to become a form of marketing closer to society. The 1980s saw the emergence of technologies such as mass printing and coloring, making POH more attractive and attention-grabbing.

Out-of-Home Advertising Development

From the 1990s onwards, POH started to become more sophisticated with the introduction of technologies like LEDs, digital printers and text printers. This allowed POH to become more dynamic and interactive, enabling advertisers to create more complex and personalized campaigns.

What is the Transition Challenge for POH?

The transition to POH is a challenge because it involves significant changes in the structure and operation of the company. This may include creating new departments, training employees, and changing the company's culture.

APOH also faces the challenge of how to reach consumers in an increasingly digital world. Despite the growing popularity of digital media, POH still offers a unique way to connect with consumers in various situations.

Out-of-Home Advertising Opportunities

A APoH offers some important opportunities. The first is the ability to connect with consumers on a deeper level. Additionally, APoH allows advertisers to present their brands in a more creative and appealing way, which can increase brand visibility and recall.

How Can I Implement Out-of-Home Advertising?

The implementation of POH involves several stages, starting with the selection of the right location, followed by the creation of a advertising plan that meets the specific needs of the advertisers. In addition, it is important to evaluate the campaign's performance and adjust as needed.

In summary, POH is an evolved marketing form that offers important challenges and opportunities. Although it faces challenges in its transition to the new digital era, POH remains a powerful tool for reaching consumers. With the right technologies and strategies, POH can be an effective way to connect with people and increase sales.


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