Sustainable Communities: The Role of Youth

Youth communities play a crucial role in strengthening sustainability. With more than half the global population between 15 and 34 years old, young people are the hope for a more sustainable future. Currently, young societies are increasingly aware of the importance of protecting the environment and defending human rights.

Why is sustainability important to young people?

Youth communities tend to be more easily aligned with the sustainability issue because they are more prone to adopting changes due to their greater exposure to new technologies and market trends. Additionally, most young people are more interested in understanding the consequences of their actions on their own future and the community they live in.

Challenges in adding sustainability to young communities

However, the transition to a more sustainable society is not easy. Some of the main barriers include lack of financial resources, lack of knowledge and expertise on sustainability, and lack of community engagement.

What can young people do to promote sustainability?

There are various ways that young people can promote sustainability in their communities. Some of the main ones include: taking community actions to improve environmental cleanliness, promoting the use of eco-friendly transportation, and encouraging reduction of waste and natural resource consumption.


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