Account-Based Marketing Strategies for Out-of-Home

MKT201: Strategies for Account-Based Marketing in Out-of-Home

Account marketing has been a popular method for companies to promote their products and services more effectively. In this article, we'll explore the account-based marketing strategies for Out-of-Home, a type of marketing that involves placing ads in public spaces, such as streets, airports, and shopping centers.

Account Marketing Objectives for Out-of-Home

The objective of an account's out-of-home (OOH) marketing is to effectively promote products or services and generate return on investment. OOH marketing strategies can include placing ads in public spaces, such as posters, digital panels, and video motions.

Why out-of-home account marketing is important?

Out-of-Home marketing is important because it allows you to reach a large audience and get people's attention with specific messages. Additionally, the physical presence of ads in public spaces can increase brand exposure and memory.

Out-of-Home Account Marketing Strategies

Marketing strategies for account out-of-home may vary depending on the objective and target audience. Some strategies include:

Placing ads on streets and airports
Advertising placement in shopping centers and parks
Use of digital panels and video motion graphics in public spaces

Developing an Account-Based Marketing Strategy for Out-of-Home

To develop an account-based marketing strategy for Out-of-Home, it's important to determine the campaign objectives, identify the target audience and choose the best communication channels. Additionally, it's important to monitor and adjust the strategy in real-time to ensure the campaign's success.

What are the challenges in developing an account strategy for Out-of-Home Marketing?

The main challenges in developing an out-of-home (OOH) account marketing strategy include limited resources, the complexity of planning and executing the campaign, and competition for audience attention.


In conclusion, an Out-of-Home marketing strategy is a effective way to promote products and services more effectively. It's important to develop a strategy based on the campaign's objectives, identify the target audience, and choose the best communication channels.


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